Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

no more roses.

I'm finished! I missed my Thursday deadline by about 3 hours but I hope you don't mind.  
After the countless pricks and staying up til the wee hours of the morning making this top, I'm pretty happy with the results.  
I made some edits to the original with the short sleeves.  I also added sheer panels on the sides of the shirt that you cannot see from these awesome quality pictures here but when the sister is back I'll make sure to post up some better pictures. Sorry I didn't do any arm up sexy poses for you guys.

Hope you like it. and HAPPY WEEKEND!!!  
(and happy birthday to my dear friend Stephanie and my favorite niece Maddie. <3)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

oh so many roses

I've been eyeing this top for a while.


but its $88 price tag never fails to turn me off.
and what do I always so eloquently say to myself when I have a bills to pay, places to be, and people to see? (aka: low on cash)

"Dude, I can totally make this."

and only about 10% of the time do I actually attempt to make what I left behind along with the dust of my fauxnfident words.

well, this is one of those time I am pushing myself to follow through.
I WILL make this top!

I began making the top with the mentality that I would finish tonight or at latest tomorrow, but as I was hand-shaping and sewing on the FIRST rosette, those hopes went kaput. It took roughly an hour per 4 rosettes. Yeah...I wont be finished tonight.

My goal is to finish by Thursday so check back!

Monday, January 24, 2011

☮ ♥ ukulele

brooklyn bowl. williamsburg, brooklyn.
jake shimabukuro ukulele-ing & questlove spinning

trekking out on a weeknight in the freezing cold: not fun.
☮ ♥ ukulele: worth the trek.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

what i saw this weekend

never seem to get sick of:
Q train crossing the manhattan bridge, brooklyn flea, brunch, shows... especially ones with cute drummer boys dressed in beards. hello, dante. check out the roommate's review and a couple of photos i took on thedeadhub.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

experimenting with doodads

materials used: pliers, thread, doodads
results: a bracelet, two necklaces, a claw shaped left hand

instax take 3

Monday, January 17, 2011