Thursday, January 6, 2011

Socks to be you!

happy wednesday!

today's post is gonna be a bit of handy dandy arts n crafts.
so i've made a couple dolls in my day and decided to make some for my favorite babies as christmas presents. sadly, the boys weren't too fond of their dolls but the little lady liked her bunny! and although baby e is too young for a reaction, i'd like to think he loved his the most. =] maybe they didn't like that their dolls were made out of socks. maybe they were too distracted by their cool new toys and trucks. but we speculate it's because the color choice was too dark and scary for them. sorry boys!

*note to self: next time use brighter colored socks.

materials used:
sewing thread
embroidery thread
pillow stuffing
my fingers

we're almost over the hump!

meet the munchkins. isaiah, maddie, evan, and baby elijah


aunties love you babes! xoxo